Dog Walking
Forget the image of a dog walker with a pack of dogs pulling in different directions! We walk only one family’s dogs at a time so we can give your dog personal attention. It’s their time for stretching their legs, working up a pant, sniffing the latest news, and indulging in belly rubs. By the time we are back from a walk, your dog is tired, happy and content.
Then, we fill the water bowl with fresh, cool water. With your permission, we will indulge your pup with a treat or two, or perhaps give them a kong with a few bits of treats or peanut butter to keep them busy working on that until you get home.
About our walks
- Walks are 20 to 30 minutes long.
- We walk in all kinds of weather.
- Walk times: First available 11am, last 2:30 pm.
- We reinforce your training like eliminating jumping, obeying the “sit” command, and being patient at the door.
- We practice good dog-owner etiquette and always pick up waste, disposing of it properly.
- If your dog has a preferred route, or an arch nemesis to be avoided we will tailor the walk to these or any other considerations.
- Your own Pet Partners journal is provided to communicate time of visit and record noteworthy events during the walk. This is an easy way to leave us a note also. It is also a memory book of your dog’s adventures for you to keep forever.