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Dog Walking

Forget the image of a dog walker with a pack of dogs pulling in different directions!  We walk only one family’s dogs at a time so we can give your dog personal attention.  It’s their time for stretching their legs, working up a pant, sniffing the latest news, and indulging in belly rubs.  By the time we are back from a walk, your dog is tired, happy and content.

Then, we fill the water bowl with fresh, cool water.  With your permission, we will indulge your pup with a treat or two, or perhaps give them a kong with a few bits of treats or peanut butter to keep them busy working on that until you get home.

Sherry walking a dog

About our walks

happy animals

Sherry and her Pet Partners’ walkers are more than partners.  They really are my Irish Setter’s friends.  He looks forward to his strolls and from the time he was a pup,  Sherry and her walkers have been true partners with me in raising Joe to be a friendly and well-mannered (not genteel, after all he is Irish) dog.


Pet Partners is much more than a dog walking service — they help make our lives run smoothly. We have two large dogs, a toddler and busy jobs and Sherry and her team are always ready to provide an extra walk when needed. If you have dogs and a demanding schedule, you really need to add Sherry to your team!
